Ad Week Europe 2016: Don’t miss these magazine media sessions
The fourth outing of Advertising Week Europe kicks off with a packed agenda. Magazine media brands are well represented so make sure you don’t miss out on the following sessions. Full details on the Ad Week Europe website.
And you can #WinWithMags – we’ll be giving away some amazing prizes all this week so keep your eyes peeled for our Magnetic Delivery Squad. Details here.
Friday 15 April
5pm Olympic Velopark, Lea Valley. Immediate Media kicks off Advertising Week Europe with the adrenalin-fuelled AdLand Cycling Championship. Tickets and full details here.
Monday 18 April
10am – 10.50am: ITV Stage Evolution or Revolution 2016: Anna Jones, CEO, Hearst joins a panel discussing the rapidly evolving tech-driven eco-systems changing business models
12.15pm – 2pm: Fortnum & Mason Piccadilly Grazia Culture + Commerce Lunch in partnership with WACL
1.30pm The Sun Studio The Making of President Trump: Ben Preston, editor of the Radio Times talks to Justin Webb, Today programme host and first person to ask Donald Trump if he would run for president.
5pm – 5.50pm: IPA Stage From influence to action: Insights from the new influence economy. Time Out CEO Noel Penzer and a panel of experts discuss the global digital platform’s new research into the influence economy for the first time.
Tuesday 19 April
9.30am – 10.20am The Sun Studio Live the Passion: putting the passion in compassion. Mark Hedges of Country Life chats to Tom Parker Bowles, Phil Vickery MBE, and Terry Waite CBE on how having a passion can help you achieve your goals.
11am – 11.50am ITV Stage Beyond Live: Phil Alexander, editor-in-chief of Mojo, Q & Kerrang! leads a session on how the live experience has never been more important, and how a brands inclusion can change the way we think.
12pm – 12.50pm IPA Stage Do we really believe ‘This girl can’?: Katie Mulloy, editor of Women’s Health joins a panel looking at the challenge of sports marketing and women.
12pm – 12.45pm The Guardian Stage The Marketer’s Toolbox: Darren Goldsby of Hearst joins a panel debate covering the evolving mix of advertising options and revenue streams, and the opportunities native, personalisation, programmatic and targeting present.
1pm – 2.50pm ITV Stage The Brexit: Jeremy O’Grady, editor of The Week and Paul Keenan, CEO Bauer join a heavy-weight lineup reviewing the implications of being ‘in’ or ‘out’.
3pm – 3.45pm The Guardian Stage The Future of Programmatic Debate: Dominic Perkins of Time Inc. takes part in a discussion looking at the benefits of programmatic and what comes next for the media industry.
6.30pm – 8.30pm The Orangery at Kensington Palace Cosmopolitan: A celebration of female talent: Honouring 2016’s female icons of the ad industry.
Wednesday 20 April
9am – 9.50am ITV Stage Live the passion – turning your passion into a career: Mark Frith, editor-in-chief, Now & Look chats to Richard E Grant, Alex James and Daisy Lowe about turning your passion into a career.
9am – 11.15am Getty Images Stage Native Ad Forum: how to get the best from your native advertising. Hear from Time Inc’s Andrew Sanders amongst others.
12.30pm – 1pm Getty Images Stage Gossip is what makes us human: Richard Howard of Bauer media joins a panel looking at ‘gossip’ as a tool for brands in the modern age.
1pm – 1.50pm ITV Stage FT Global Leadership summit: Time Inc CEO Marcus Rich looks at paragons of inspiration and leadership on winning in today’s highly competitive marketplace.
2pm – 2.50pm ITV Stage A Cosmopolitan Conversation with Sean Rad, Tinder founder. Farrah Storr, Editor of Cosmopolitan gets some exclusive insight on how best to talk to and engage with millenials.
2.30pm – 3.15pm The Guardian Stage Fastest in Media: Evo editor Nick Trott chats to racing driver Tiff Needham and Angus Fitton of Porsche.
Thursday 21 April
9am – 9.50am ITV Stage Live the passion: Dating in the digital age – Trish Halpin, editor-in-chief of Marie Claire leads a panel discussion into the dating peaks and pitfalls presented by technology.
9.15am – 11am Getty Images Stage The Trust Forum: the value of trust – David Weeks, executive director of The Week looks at the rapid growth in native advertising and content partnerships.
11am – 11.50am ITV Stage editor-in-chief of Empire Terri White gets up close and personal with one of the film industry’s greats…
1pm – 1.50pm ITV Stage Remembering Ziggy Stardust. Dylan Jones of GQ, Michael Bonner of Uncut, Kevin Cummings of NME and Ken Scott, the producer of Ziggy Stardust pay homage to David Bowie’s creative body of work.
2pm – 2.45pm Getty Images Stage Fitness, Health & Happiness in media. Ed Needham, editor of Coach joins a panels to review how we fair as a fit, healthy and happy media industry and unveils some new research.
2.15pm – 3pm The Guardian Stage Story Time. Rupert Turnbull, Publisher of Time & Fortune talks to Chris Mikkelson of Refugees United.