Jordans: Bursting With Nature
Key Takeaways
- Jordans needed to communicate its sustainable credentials and the role biodiversity plays in its nutritional cereals.
- Short videos across Immediate brands highlighted the link between caring for nature and the production of delicious quality ingredients.
- 65% said they were more aware of how Jordans cares for nature.
One page summary

Client Quote
“The quality of the content was fantastic and translated into really strong results that everyone at Jordans talks about proudly. The team at Immediate were an absolute joy to work with and I looked forward to every meeting with them.”
Nina Howse, Digital Manager, Jordans
The challenge
Jordans needed to boost awareness and consideration via three objectives:
- Communicate the message that Jordans cereals is a brand with sustainability at its heart.
- Educate and excite consumers about how naturally delicious and nutritious Jordansʼ cereals are, and the role biodiversity plays in crafting its ingredients.
- Illustrate how Jordans cares for nature, and how this ensures it can keep on farming for years to come.
View the Article, Watch the video, Visit Jordans advertorial
The Plan/Execution
Immediate Media leveraged its editorial teamsʼ deep understanding of their readersʼ views and habits to appeal to Jordanʼs three target audiences:
– Wholesome Cereal Buyers (BBC Good Food, delicious. and olive)
– Healthy Ethicals (BBC Gardenersʼ World)
– Eco Actives (BBC Wildlife and BBC Countryfile).
This insight was combined with a leading first-party data proposition, which would allow Jordans to target these audiences across all Immediate sites and platforms, reaching both 1.4million current users as well as rival cereal users and main shoppers at scale.
The Bursting With Nature campaign was executed via print and digital, video, social and integration into editorial events (sponsorship of the BBC Gardenersʼ World Garden of the Year competition 2021).
Key to the campaign’s success was tailoring Jordansʼ many complex messages for the different passion-led audiences. The campaign highlighted the link between caring for nature and the production of delicious quality ingredients, presenting Jordans as advocates of sustainability in food production.
Messages were tailored by brand. The BBC Good Food element looked at how sustainable farming methods safeguard future ingredient production. BBC Gardenersʼ World focussed on home-grown produce and rewilding while BBC Countryfile and BBC Wildlife talked about Jordansʼ work around biodiversity.
There were several challenges in the delivery of this campaign, not least that the assets had to be produced in April, when oat plants hadnʼt yet grown and fields were still bare! Immediate turned this into an opportunity to showcase Jordansʼ newly refreshed identity. Four short-form videos were produced in animation form, making it easier to communicate a range of stories. One sole copywriter wrote all print and digital content, ensuring consistency of tone and messaging across all brands.

The campaign reached 12m+ people and exceeded all benchmarks. Post-campaign analysis showed that among those who recalled the campaign:
- A 21% uplift in consumers who agreed that Jordans “tastes great” and 20% who agreed “itʼs natural”.
- 65% said they were more aware of how Jordans cares for nature, illustrating Jordans’ ethos around sustainability.
- The campaign increased purchase consideration: there was a 23% uplift in those who said they would consider buying Jordans in future.
- It increased top-of-mind awareness in the breakfast cereals category: there was a 33% rise in unprompted brand awareness.