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39m adults read magazine content online and in print every month

  • Date:

    02 May 2024

39m adults read magazine content online and in print every month

72% of adults in the UK are reading print and online magazine content every month according to the latest PAMCo data. Multiplatform magazines remain a large, attractive and addressable audience for advertisers.

Publishers online reach remains strong; print still plays a core role

82% of adults engage with magazine media digitally. One in three – or 19.4 million adults – still consume print magazines every month.

The sector remains an inclusive medium for like-minded communities of people who want to take time out and engage with their interests and hobbies. 

Trusted brands

90% of adults2 in the latest release agree that they trust what they read in their preferred magazines across print and digital.

Magazine brands really do set the standards when it comes to trust and quality, providing true, vetted and relevant content. In a recent PPA Magnetic survey print magazines came top versus other media when it came to trust.

This year we see the 100-year anniversary of both the Radio Times and Good Housekeeping Institute – brands that have stood the test of time, and remain as relevant today as they ever were.   The latest PAMCo results reinforce this:

  • increased its audience reach by 25% last year1 and has a total brand trust score of 95%2
  • The Good Housekeeping Institute – the UK’s oldest trusted source for consumer product reviews – has a total brand trust score of 94%2

The importance of quality and trusted journalism is more important than ever with trust levels at an all-time low.

Reaching engaged communities and valuable audiences

Multi platform magazine brands sit at the heart of what matters most to people – their passions.  They bring engaged communities together around their favourite subject:

  • 18.6 million like to read food and drink content
  • 16.2 million like to read travel content
  • 15.3 million like to read home ideas and DIY content
  • 13.5 million like to read about Fashion/Clothes content
  • 12.7 million like to read about Health & Fitness content

Magazine brands have always super served deep interests, and offered both consumers and advertisers the most relevant and trusted quality content. This clearly resonates with readers as brands in all of these areas have seen year on year growth. Whether it’s Good Food and Olive, Conde Nast Traveller, Homes & Gardens, Vogue or Runner’s World, brands are tapping in to what readers care about.

Targeted Opportunities for advertisers

57%3 of adults agree that advertising is part of the experience when reading magazine content – more than any other media.  As a result consumers are more receptive to the advertising and more likely to take action.

When PAMCo asked about future plans for the next six months:

  • 79% of those planning to obtain a new car in the next 6 months read magazine brands – 10% more than the average. Motoring magazines like Auto Express, Bike and Top Gear all offer great sources of information and inspiration to help on the path to purchase
  • 83% of those intending to spend £1,000 or more on home improvements or furnishings read magazine media every month – 14% more likely than the average

Advertisers continue to benefit from associating their brand with high-quality content which drives positive changes in consumer behaviour.

[1] Ipsos iris December 2023

[2] This has been rebased to exclude those who responded neither agree nor disagree

[3] Attention Pays